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Plate Rex - Employee of the year
Painting by numbers ORNER x Osmolovska "Bee and peonies"
Totally YES plaid notebook pink
Panda yum-yum Plate
Dotted notebook Zodiac sign — Sagittarius
Plate "Hamster"
Pug Plate
Hedgehog Plate
Dotted notebook Zodiac sign — Aries
Dotted notebook Zodiac sign — Scorpio
Dotted notebook Zodiac sign — Capricorn
Planner "I HAVE A SECRET PLAN" pink
Planner "I HAVE A MAGIC PLAN" blue
Set of socks "Holidays are coming"
Set of socks "Fall stories"
Cup "ACCIO book"
Sketchbook "Time to create" ORNER x Maliunok
Painting by numbers "Spring in the mountains"
Painting by numbers "Orangery"
Painting by numbers "Full Moon"
Painting by numbers "Cat in colorful flowers"
Painting by numbers "Bird of Paradise"
Laptop case "Cats. Meow" black
Laptop case "Cat-Employee of the Year" blue-yellow
Cup Spitz
Sketchbook "Create" colored
Sketchbook "Diagonal gouache strokes" yellow-black
Sketchbook "Draw" black-white
Sketchbook beige
Sketchbook pink
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