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Цей календар просто чудовий! Дивлюсь на нього і отримую величезне задоволення)) Крута якість, тематика та кольори!
26.02.2025Якість календаря супер!
25.02.2025Замовляла календар з котом, дуже сподобався! Гарна якість, формат і креатив. Дякую❤️
20.02.2025Доброго ранку))ЛЮБІ ORNER 🥰 Дякую за, як завжди, чудовий вибір, круту українську продукцію, яку хочеться мати і дарувати, за якість та відмінний сервіс ❤️Нещодавно їздила за кордон. Знаєте, що просили на сувеніри з України? ) Ваш календар! Перекидний. Щоденний. З передбаченнями))Це дійсно мега класний та безцінний подарунок, що даруватиме радість та нагадування про вас, правильно мотивуватиме, на класні ідеї та думки надихатиме)) створювати ваш класний настрій 365 ДНІВ 😇😎Карти Таро, великі календарі на стіну з символами року, котами, гусачками, тарілка з котиком ЗСУ подарункова - я уже не можу згадати весь список продукції, яку у вас замовляла, але точно памʼятаю , що БУЛА ПОВНІСТЮ ЗАДОВОЛЕНА ТА ЩЕ Й ПРИЄМНО ЗДИВОВАНА КОЖНОЮ ПОЗИЦІЄЮ СВОГО ЗАМОВЛЕННЯ, УСІМА ТОВАРАМИ ЩО У ВАС БРАЛА ❤️Дякую, рекомендую, щиро бажаю успіху та процвітання, ВИ - ТОПЧИК ⭐️⭐️⭐️
19.02.2025Календар дуже хороший,і функціонал і дизайн.Замовляємо вже третій рік.
Олена Яремчук
12.02.2025Also looking for
We believe so much in our victory and a bright future that we have already begun to prepare for the winter holidays and, of course, for gifts. Therefore, a brand new, nice and special calendar has already appeared on our website.
Our traditional tabletop tilting calendar, which is already familiar to many friends of the ORNER brand. It's 365 pages full of precise phrases and beautiful illustrations to start each day a little more fun and interesting. Last year we decided to change the concept of phrases, and we ended up with a calendar with predictions, some of which turned out to be mystically prophetic. We still receive feedback that he helped someone make a critical decision for survival at the beginning of a full-scale enemy invasion of our country, and gave others little clues at some decisive moment in their lives. And how many messages we received about people crying while flipping through the missing pages of the calendar upon returning home. In any case, we are glad that we were there at different moments and were able to please or advise, even without suspecting it ourselves.
Every year this mission of ours - creating calendars - takes on new dimensions and new responsibility. Because I want it even better, even more original! And although the world is too unstable and the enemy is too inadequate, we are sure that we should continue to create and give, otherwise what is the point in all this?
Now this is not just a tear-off calendar with wishes and beautiful pictures. This is a special companion who knows all the prominent events - both happy and tragic. He is on top of all the local memes and jokes, which he will not forget to remind you of and smile about next year. He also knows the simple routine things in life that we all face and suffer from, so he will definitely support. Furthermore, he will remind you to do a fall photo shoot in a timely manner in a letter or to prepare a gift for Valentine's Day. It combines everything that almost every Ukrainian has in his soul: faith in the best, and sadness; both a sense of humor and seriousness; and seasonal melancholy and sudden boldness.
We will be infinitely glad if it also remains valuable to most of you. That you will keep pages special for yourself many years later. That you will start every new day with inspiration and don’t forget to take pictures of cute morning compositions with a calendar and something tasty, tagging us on social networks:) We even want you to sing together (and there are such pages after which without songs are indispensable)!
It seems as if this description is not about the subject at all, but we work so long and hard on each of our products that over time we begin to talk about it :) Therefore, we can talk about it for hours. This is it, our new tear-off calendar!
The ORNER calendar is a tabletop tear-off calendar. It is compactly packaged in a box, so it is ideal as a small holiday gift for friends or colleagues. Each page, in addition to phrases and pictures, has a date and day of the week - that’s why it’s a calendar. It highlights all major public holidays, as well as additional holidays or memorial days. Design, copywriting and printing of the calendar take place in Ukraine!
On our website you can not only look at several pages, but also buy a calendar, although it went on sale long before the new year :)
In all likelihood (but this is not certain, like all the plans that now exist in our lives) that our faith in ourselves and in a wonderful next year will give impetus to another ORNER calendar. Follow the updates on the site so as not to miss out on cool and original wall calendar planners. You remember how cool the tiger was last year, right? The only pity is that not all the offices in which he was supposed to live were able to open and earn money again. We can only hope that the fate of the new calendar cards will be happier.
So, if you want to start making plans for the future and indulge yourself with something original, you can safely go to the ORNER website and buy a calendar! The order is made according to the classic scheme: you place it on the website, enter all the necessary data and pay for the goods. For now, we deliver by Nova Poshta throughout the country where branches operate. But if you are interested in another delivery method or delivery abroad, we will do everything necessary on our part to make sure everything works out, and you get maximum pleasure from interacting with the ORNER brand!
Просто супер 💪. Дякую 🥰. Неймовірний планер-календар додаватиме настрій кожного дня кожного місяця. Автор молодець !