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Game for lovers "Tell me everything! Love edition"
Wall calendar-planner for 2025 by Maliunok х ORNER "Cat Derun. One more year"
Wall calendar-planner for 2025 "Ukraine is my home!"
Dotted notebook ORNER x MALIUNOK "Deputy"
Planner-diary "Planner of a serious person" gray
Affirmation cards "I can do everything!"
Puzzle "Unbreakable Kharkiv" 1000 elements
Planner-diary "Planner of a serious person" black
Playing cards "Ukrainian"
Dotted notebook ORNER x MALIUNOK "I will manage everything"
Board game "Shevchenko asks about Independent Ukraine"
Dotted notebook ORNER x MALIUNOK "Workaholic"
Dotted notebook ORNER x MALIUNOK "Work is not a wolf"
Dotted notebook ORNER x MALIUNOK "Notebook of ideas"
Dotted notebook ORNER x MALIUNOK "Optimist's notebook"
Dotted notebook ORNER x MALIUNOK "Toxic"
Game for the company "Spins"
Набір листівок «Соборні. Писанки з усіх областей України»
Planner-diary "Planner of a serious person" dark green
Board game ORNER x Bezodnya Music "Shevchenko asks about Ukrainian music"
Game for the company "Mafia"
Game for the company "Tell me everything! Friends edition"
Playing cards "Cats"
Set of socks "North"
Set of socks "Meowster of sports"
Planner-diary "Planner of a serious person" yellow-black
Board game about Ukraine "Shevchenko asks"
Dotted notebook ORNER x MALIUNOK "Unicorn"
Set of socks "Tailed team"
Cup "Work is not a wolf»
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Все класно, дійшло швидко, працюють теж швидко ☺️ блокнот це щось неймовірне ❤️🥰😍
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