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Do you want to be part of the ORNER team? Read on, why it's so cool to work with us!


We are really proud of our team. Each person in the company is in his place and develops as a professional. We are multitasking, active, fun and creative people, we know how to laugh at ourselves and learn from our facaps.


Our work is a permanent movement. And we like this pace. It doesn't matter at all what position and how long you work in the company, it is important that the whole team develops together with us. In ORNER, you have the opportunity to build your career — from a sales consultant to a department manager.


We work for pleasure and sincerely believe that everyone can find a job that will develop, please and pay decently.

Send your resume to [email protected].  Attach links to your social networks, a short text, why you want to work for us, and your salary wishes.

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