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Game for lovers "Tell me everything! Love edition"

Talk because it's important. Talk about what makes you laugh and keeps inspired, what drives you crazy and fills your heart with peace.

 Photo - ORNER

“Tell me everything! Love edition” — 150 questions that will make relationships deeper and conversations more open.

The rules of the game are simple:

Players take turns drawing a card and answering the question.

P.S. The questions are designed in such a way that it will be interesting for those who are celebrating their 10th anniversary together and for those who are just starting a joint journey.

 Photo - ORNER
 Photo - ORNER

Pull the questions, answer, listen and be ready to get to a new level of trust in your relationship.

Reviews on Game for lovers "Tell me everything! Love edition"

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 Game for lovers Tell me everything! Love edition: photo - ORNER

Максим Пл


Game for lovers "Tell me everything! Love edition"

чудовий товар вчасно прийшов

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Вітаю!дуже стильний та сучасний календар!доставка швидка , все сподобалось.Так тримати!

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Review of ORNER store

Все супер, швидко відправили, чудова якість тарілок

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Review of ORNER store

Все супер, швидко зібрали і доставили.

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Review of ORNER store

Все дуже гарно. Швидко, якісно.

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Швидка доставка хороша якість таро. Всім задоволена

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