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Checkbook of wishes for a couple "Passion"

The  "Passion" checkbook of desires for a couple was created so that your love acquired new colors, and intimate life became more enriched with new scenarios.

 Photo - ORNER

What you need to know about this checkbook:

  • each check has a task, a special clarification for correct understanding and a place for the date when exactly this task was performed;

  • there is an additional check for a personal task (to show your imagination to the fullest 😏);

  • it has a cute design and packaging, so it is a perfect gift for a loved one.

 Photo - ORNER
 Photo - ORNER

Buy the "Passion" checkbook , complete tasks and love with ORNER.

Reviews on Checkbook of wishes for a couple "Passion"

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 Checkbook of wishes for a couple Passion: photo - ORNER



Checkbook of wishes for a couple "Passion"

Швидка відправка, замовлення сподобалось, друк хороший, оперативність, українська мова))

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Вітаю!дуже стильний та сучасний календар!доставка швидка , все сподобалось.Так тримати!

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Все супер, швидко відправили, чудова якість тарілок

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Review of ORNER store

Все супер, швидко зібрали і доставили.

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Все дуже гарно. Швидко, якісно.

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Швидка доставка хороша якість таро. Всім задоволена

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