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Photo album Old photos

There was supposed to be an introductory text about the new photo album, but we understand that Ukrainians will just hum the song "Old Photos" by Skriabin instead of reading it. One way or another, we are happy if you finish singing, lay out old and new photos on the table, paste them into a new album, tell funny childhood stories and call old friends! (the lyrics of the song)

 Photo - ORNER
 Photo - ORNER

The photo album "Old photos" consists of 30 blank white pages of A4 format in a high-quality hard cover that is pleasant to the touch. Everything is designed and produced in Ukraine! Tell your funny and sentimental stories in huge photos or in small polaroids, accompany them with handwritten inscriptions or stickers and don't forget to replenish the collection of photos in the memory of the camera or your phone. Your memories deserve the best! 

Reviews on Photo album Old photos

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 Photo album Old photos: photo - ORNER



Photo album Old photos

швидка відправка , товари високої якості . дякую вам !

 Photo album Old photos: photo - ORNER



Photo album Old photos

Ідеальний фотоальбом 😍

 Photo album Old photos: photo - ORNER



Photo album Old photos

Фотоальбом чудовий, цей насичений зелений колір обкладинки – любов. Мені сподобалися куточки: вони не перекривають частину фото та не приліпляють її намертво, а зроблені як карманчики, з яких можна дістати фотографію

 Photo album Old photos: photo - ORNER



Photo album Old photos

Якісно, вчасно! Дякую!

 Photo album Old photos: photo - ORNER



Photo album Old photos

Чудова якість! Листки мають хорошу щільність, всередині був лист із кутиками - альбомом задоволена

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