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"Shevchenko asks about Independent Ukraine" is a continuation of the series of games about Ukraine. It contains 180 question cards divided into 7 categories. This is a question about the years of Independence and what happened during the term of office of the presidents of Ukraine.
In this game, questions about everything: about our Heroes and their incredible deeds; about interesting events and favorite memes.
For two or more players
Made in Ukraine
Interesting questions
Complete set:
Special attachment: mace
Article: orner-2112
"Shevchenko asks about Independent Ukraine" is an ideal choice for meetings in any company and the long-awaited continuation of the series of games about Ukraine. It contains 180 cards with questions, which are divided into 7 categories: 1 for the term of office of each president of Ukraine and general questions.
This game is special. It is about the historical time that you and I have been living our whole lives! It is about important events and memes; about our national Heroes and the most famous scandals. It is about our everyday life.
You are already familiar with the rules: whoever gives the correct answer (or the closest one) the fastest gets points. And also, for better use, you will find a mace for the presenter in the set!
Play and find out which of you is an expert on independent Ukraine.
Board game "Shevchenko asks about Independent Ukraine"
Дуже класна гра! Цікаво, гарні малюнки, з плюсів хочу відмітити, шо росія пишеться з маленької букви. З мінусів - ми ледь не побились, а так класна гра.
Board game "Shevchenko asks about Independent Ukraine"
Дуже задоволена замовленням! Замовляла тарілку та настільну гру. Відмінна якість, швидка доставка. Рекомендую 😇
Board game "Shevchenko asks about Independent Ukraine"
Завжди все на вищому рівні! Якість товару 🔥💣🚀top!
Board game "Shevchenko asks about Independent Ukraine"
Я вже багато років купую товари ORNER собі і на подарунки. У мене колекція тарілок з тваринками. Задоволена якістю. За два роки малюнки все такі ж яскраві. Дарую частіше всього тарілки, блокноти й ігри. Остання покупка - гра Шевченко питає про незалежну Україну. Чекаю на Новий рік, щоб подарувати родині чоловіка. Впевнена, їм сподобається.
Board game "Shevchenko asks about Independent Ukraine"
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