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Have you seen such a Cossack? Of course! He can both purr and wield a sword. This is a power that cannot be defeated, if only because it's impossible to withstand those mustaches and paws. So we guarantee that every dish from this plate will be twice as tasty.
Made in France
Gift wrap
Unique Design
Eco-friendly and safe
Article: orner-1992
Are you looking for the same dishes that are both beautiful, high-quality, and tasteful? Or maybe you want to please your family and friends with an unusual gift? Then you are in the right place!
We are here to demonstrate the full power of eclecticism. We combine quality and service, tradition and new content, humor and style, creativity and aesthetics for you. And you can't stop us, just as you can't stop the whiskers and temper of this cat.
This plate will be a great addition to your food mood. It will lift your mood, remind you of important things. As always, we delight you with excellent quality, optimal sizes, and durability of products. But you are probably already used to this.
Cossack Cat plate
Дуже оригінальні та якісні товари ) швидка доставка )
Cossack Cat plate
Чудове і швидке обслуговування! Замовила календар і тарілочки! Дуже люблю знижки в ORNER! Блокноти - це топ!
Cossack Cat plate
Посуд просто супер, я в захваті 😍, швидка доставка
Cossack Cat plate
Тарілочки просто 🫶 Їсти з них саме задоволення!
Cossack Cat plate
Класний товар на подарунок, я задоволена. Гарна ціна та якість.
Review of ORNER store
Дуже швидко відправили і все супер. Якість дуже класна