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"Tell me everything. Parents and children" conversation game — 150 steps to mutual understanding and building healthy, trusting relationships between parents and children.
All you have to do is get your cards and be ready for an honest dialogue.
Interesting questions
Made in Ukraine
For two or more players
Article: orner-2104
"Tell me everything. Parents and children" conversation game is a great opportunity to build a dialogue with children and open up to each other.
This game has 150 question cards divided into 3 categories: parents, children and general.
It means, everyone will answer the questions.
Rules of the game:
Divide the deck into 3 categories and take turns taking a card from the corresponding category.
Decide who will be first and thus establish the order in which you will draw the cards. For example, if the parents are the first, then goes the child and the general category. If you start with the general category, then goes the child and then the parents. Or vice versa.
We want you to choose and play as you like!
Play with the whole family and tête-à-tête with the baby.
Play when you want to talk and play when talking is difficult.
In short, just play!
Ольга Петрівна
Board game "Tell me everything. Parents and children"
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Board game "Tell me everything. Parents and children"
Ольга Петрівна
Board game "Tell me everything. Parents and children"
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Board game "Tell me everything. Parents and children"
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