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Puzzle "Unbreakable Kharkiv" is our personal way of saying "Kharkiv, we love you!".
You, your indomitable people, your incredible architecture and crazy strength of spirit.
For children and adults
Interesting story
Quality cardboard
Made in Ukraine
Article: orner-2612
"Unbreakable Kharkiv" is a shot from the life of one incredible Ukrainian city.
A shot that even through the screen conveys the entire atmosphere of the moment: the warmth of the air, the aroma of coffee, the spirit of freedom.
A shot that combines so many things that make us love Kharkiv: beautiful architecture, cozy terraces of city cafes, people talking about the most important things.
Buy the puzzle "Unbreakable Kharkiv" with the work of Ukrainian illustrator Yana Boyko, put it together and enjoy an atmospheric vacation. Or give a gift to a person for whom Kharkiv is a home, a soul, a place of strength.
Puzzle "Unbreakable Kharkiv" 1000 elements
Дякую за швидку доставку
Puzzle "Unbreakable Kharkiv" 1000 elements
Вперше замовляла у вас. Все сподобалось: дуже швидко, якісно та гарно! Буду замовляти ще обов’язково 🫶🏼
Puzzle "Unbreakable Kharkiv" 1000 elements
Дякую за пазл з Незламним!
Смикалова Ганна Володимирівна
Puzzle "Unbreakable Kharkiv" 1000 elements
Дякую, все сподобалось, гарний подарунок, ж чим зайнятися ввечері.
Катерина Громская
Puzzle "Unbreakable Kharkiv" 1000 elements
Дуже задоволена замовленням! Доставка супер швидка,навіть за кілька днів до Нового року!Ви молодці,обов'язково повернусь знову!