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"The City of Happy Childhood" is a charity puzzle by ORNER and CF "Ridni"!
And it has a goal to collect funds for the All-Ukrainian art festival "Create Worlds"— a charitable creative project organized by the CF "Ridni" to support children from vulnerable categories.
The art festival is designed to be a safe place for children, where they can express themselves emotionally, develop innate creativity and learn about the world.
Article: orner-2748
"City of Happy Childhood" is a great opportunity to get a good product and do a good deed at the same time.
This puzzle with an illustration by Anna Ptaha is about a special place. A place where children can be different because they feel loved, supported and respected.
A place where every opinion is heard, every child is important, and every door of opportunity is open for them to dream, play and grow in safety.
A place where we, adults, nurture joy for children now, so that their future is filled with light and self-belief.
Buy a puzzle — this way you will not only bring joy to your child, but also help raise funds for the All-Ukrainian art festival "Create Worlds» — a charity project by the CF "Ridni" aimed at supporting children from vulnerable categories.
Charity puzzle ORNER x Ridni Charity Foundation "City of Happy Childhood" 500 elements
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Ваша робота,це приклад як має працювати з клієнтами весь бізнес. Приємно вражена. Отримала велике задоволення і в спілкуванні і якістю і упакуванням і як все швидко. Дякую!
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Все чудово, дякую
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Дуже задоволений замовленням! Все було у наявності та надійшло вчасно)) Було на подарунок, а тому прохання уваги до упакування. Дякую!
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Замовляв альбом для фото, все супер, швидка доставка та якісний продукт. Дякую!