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Game for the company “Cat, kozak, borscht, lard, goat”

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299 UAH
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“Cat kozak borscht lard goat” is your new game for the whole family!  Oh yes, it was created in such a way that it would be interesting and fun for everyone: from small to big

 14+: Photo - ORNER


 Креативные иллюстрации: Photo - ORNER


 Для двоих и больше игроков: Photo - ORNER


 Сделано в Украине: Photo - ORNER


  • Language: Ukrainian
  • Card size: 68*110
  • Card density: 350 g/m2

Complete set:

  • 5 types of ordinary cards
  • 3 types of special cards
  • Instructions: on the box
  • Number of players: from 2
  • Age: 14+

Article: orner-2347

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High quality
Great gift
Great gift

Description Game for the company “Cat, kozak, borscht, lard, goat”

Game for the company “Cat, kozak, borscht, lard, goat”

“Cat kozak borscht lard goat” — no, it's not just a set of words, it's our new game with a Ukrainian context

 Photo - ORNER

The rules of the game are, as always, simple:

1. Shuffle the cards and divide them equally between the players with their shirts facing up. 

2. Each player in a circle says a guess, what can be depicted on the card, and puts it in the middle of the table. If you make a mistake, the turn goes to the next one to the player. If you guessed it, cover the deck with your hand as soon as possible. Whoever covered the deck last takes all the cards for himself. 

3. The winner is the one who gets rid of all the cards the fastest.

If a special card falls out, make the appropriate moves and only then cover the deck with your hand

 Photo - ORNER
 Photo - ORNER

Buy the game “Car kozak borscht lard goat” as an addition to your collection of cool board games, or take it as a visit to the closest people — it will be both a nice gift and a guarantee of a pleasant evening

Reviews about Game for the company “Cat, kozak, borscht, lard, goat”

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Review of ORNER store

Дуже швидка доставка і якість як завжди на висоті!

 Store Review: photo 2



Review of ORNER store

Все прийшло швидко , дякую

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Review of ORNER store

Дякую за якісну продукцію! Дуже тішить, що в Україні можуть виробляти такі круті речі! А ще у вас з моменту заснування сервіс на найвищому рівні👍 Це той випадок, коли дійсно пишаєшся своїм, українським виробником.

 Store Review: photo 4



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Зробить мені будь ласка тарілку-Вечно надутє, вечно недовольне з котиком



Вітаємо🙃 Дякуємо за побажання, обов'язково подумаємо❤️

 Store Review: photo 5



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Обслуживание быстрое ,товар был в наличии. Очень довольна.

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Все супер, дуже подобається дизайн та якість!

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