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The “United” (Ukr. “Soborni”) project was born on Easter 2023, amidst russia's full-scale war against Ukraine. It originated out of a desire to show the unity of the regions of Ukraine embodied in the pysanka tradition.
Article: orner-2360
Browsing across the archives and research took half a year since finding historical pysanky samples from the Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions required a lot of effort. Zoia Stashuk reproduced pysanky based on archival sketches, hand-press prints, and museum items. This collection reflects the diversity and richness of local styles and the Ukrainian pysanka painting tradition in general.
The set of postcards includes pysanky dated 19th and early 20th century from all regions. Each one is charged with the energies of strength, health, love, and welfare. These were the concepts Ukrainians believed in when painting and presenting pysanky to each other. Exchanging these postcards means continuing this tradition and connecting with the Motherland.
Project managers: Myroslava Vertiuk, Bohdana Telychuk
Head of research and painter: Zoia Stashuk
Research and fund support: Viktoria Kutsuruk, Larysa Holovnia
Digitisation: Olha Romash
Designer: Olena Staranchuk
Editors: Yulia Patlan, Bohdana Telychuk
English translation: Andrii Myroshnychenko
All rights reserved. Republishing of the set or its part using reproduction or audiovisual devices or by any other means may be carried out only with the publisher's written permission.
Joint publishing project by the Ivan Honchar Museum National Centre of Folk Culture and ORNER
© Ivan Honchar Museum, 2024
© ORNER, 2024
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