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Only you and art. Our paintings teach us to capture the moment, relax, and discover new facets within ourselves. In this painting, we have combined beauty with beauty, so there is no limit to aesthetics.
Interesting story
Wall mount for finished painting
Brush and paint included
Made in Ukraine
Included in the set:
Article: orner-2079
Isn't it wonderful? These eyeglasses teach us to understand not only art! They remind us of important things, special moments, tenderness, and love. Love for our four-legged friends, for the incredible and multifaceted nature, for those moments when you are alone with your thoughts and creativity.
This Maltese knows about beautiful things, self-devotion, friendship, and art. We guarantee that the creative process will captivate you and provide unforgettable experiences, a sense of tranquility and freedom. Each brushstroke opens up new possibilities and fills the space.
Immerse yourself in the realm of your own thoughts and fantasies. Let time stand still and let all worries vanish, if only for a moment.
Painting by Numbers: Maltese in Flowers
Замовляємо вже 3 картину за номерами. Картини високої якості, яскраві кольори. Швидка доставка. Дякуємо.
Лілія Фурманець
Review of ORNER store
Все супер,килимок клас!!
Review of ORNER store
Гарний альбом , щільний папір) задоволена, замовлю ще з чорним папером )
Review of ORNER store
Посилка приїхала без пошкоджень
Review of ORNER store
Альбоми прийшли у стані, дуже гарна якість точно вартує своїх коштів.
Review of ORNER store
Отличный продавец! Рекомендую!