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Game for the company "Who am I in the world?"

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699 UAH
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"Who am I in the world?" — that very game which can sweep the evening in one second. , All you have to do is try to guess what is on your forehead: a capybara or a "Scream" painting? Or maybe a centaur? "Who am I in the world?" — 160 cards divided into 7 categories: Characters, Places, Art, Events and Participants, People, Food, Weird Things.

 Для двоих и больше игроков: Photo - ORNER

For two or more players

 Сделано в Украине : Photo - ORNER

Made in Ukraine

 Интересные вопросы: Photo - ORNER

Interesting questions

 14+: Photo - ORNER


  • Language: Ukrainian
  • Box size: 155*125*36 mm
  • Card density: 300 g/m2
  • The author of the illustrations is Oleksandr Grekhov

Consists of:

  • 160 cards with questions
  • Instructions: on the box
  • Number of players: from 2
  • Age: 14+

Article: orner-2618

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Description Game for the company "Who am I in the world?"

Game for the company "Who am I in the world?"

If you had to choose, who would you be: Baklava or Sherlock Holmes? We know, the choice is not easy!  It's good that you don't have to choose, because it’s all about a random choice in this game.

 Photo - ORNER

The rules of the game:

  1. Each of the participants takes out a card and, without looking at it, sticks it on his or her forehead. All participants take a look at each other's cards and the game begins!

  2. The first participant asks questions that can be answered with "yes" or "no". He or she asks until the answer is "yes". 

  3. As soon as the answer is "no", the turn goes to the next participant. And so on in a circle.

The winner can be determined in 2 ways:

  1. The winner is the one who first guesses what is shown on the card.

  2. The winner is the one who guesses more cards before the last participant guesses their first card. In this case, we advise you to keep the cards with you so that later you can easily count who guessed how much.

 Photo - ORNER
 Photo - ORNER

That’s the game. Buy, guess who (or what) you stick on you, and have fun to the fullest. The author of the illustrations for the game is the Ukrainian artist Oleksandr Grekhov.

P.S. There is another secret way to play this game that you will find right inside the box.

Reviews about Game for the company "Who am I in the world?"

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Review of ORNER store

Гарний магазин, прикольні якісні речі, швидка і штучна доставка, робила три замовлення: альбом, планер, пазли. Все на якості і бувають знижки!)

 Store Review: photo 2



Review of ORNER store

Гарний магазин, товар прийшов швидко, якісний!!!!

 Store Review: photo 3



Review of ORNER store

Суперова компашка із суперовим продуктом. Раджу долучитись до товарів ОРНЕР👍✌️🍻

 Store Review: photo 4



Review of ORNER store

Все супер! Чудовий подарунок

 Store Review: photo 5



Review of ORNER store

Дуже швидка доставка і якість як завжди на висоті!

 Store Review: photo 6



Review of ORNER store

Все прийшло швидко , дякую

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