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Photo album A4 "Stories of a happy life" graphite

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550 UAH
467 UAH
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We decided to add a little sweet torment of choice to your life and create photo albums with already favorite covers and with brand new, white pages. So that you can choose everything your heart desires — both the cover and the color of the pages!

 Уголки в комплекте: Photo - ORNER

Corners included

 Качественный картон: Photo - ORNER


 Для фото разных размеров: Photo - ORNER

For photos of different sizes

 Быстрая доставка: Photo - ORNER undefined
  • Size: A4
  • Hard cover
  • Foil embossing — Rose Gold
  • 30 pages
  • Paper density: 400 g/m2
  • White pages inside, no print
  • 2 sheets of photo corners (204 pieces)

The album holds:

  • up to 60 photos measuring 10x15 cm
  • up to 90 photos with a size of 9x11 cm

Article: orner-2344

Fast shipping
Fast shipping
High quality
High quality
Great gift
Great gift

Description Photo album A4 "Stories of a happy life" graphite

Photo album A4 "Stories of a happy life" graphite

This photo album wants to see everything you live! Every story of your life deserves to be remembered.

Every holiday with loved ones, when there is an atmosphere of love in the air, and sincere smiles on faces.

 Photo - ORNER
 Photo - ORNER

Every first moment that will never happen again: here is the first birthday together, where you are so young but so happy; and here you are holding the keys to the first apartment rented together. Already adults, but still indescribably happy.

How nice it is to go back, look at the photos and remember all those moments of your own life! Buy a photo album "Stories of a happy life" and keep your favorite memories where they belong — on the pages of a beautiful photo album!

Reviews about Photo album A4 "Stories of a happy life" graphite

 Store Review: photo



Review of ORNER store

Дуже швидка доставка і якість як завжди на висоті!

 Store Review: photo 2



Review of ORNER store

Все прийшло швидко , дякую

 Store Review: photo 3



Review of ORNER store

Дякую за якісну продукцію! Дуже тішить, що в Україні можуть виробляти такі круті речі! А ще у вас з моменту заснування сервіс на найвищому рівні👍 Це той випадок, коли дійсно пишаєшся своїм, українським виробником.

 Store Review: photo 4



Review of ORNER store

Зробить мені будь ласка тарілку-Вечно надутє, вечно недовольне з котиком



Вітаємо🙃 Дякуємо за побажання, обов'язково подумаємо❤️

 Store Review: photo 5



Review of ORNER store

Обслуживание быстрое ,товар был в наличии. Очень довольна.

 Store Review: photo 6



Review of ORNER store

Все супер, дуже подобається дизайн та якість!

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