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Baby Photo Album Little Kitten

The photo album Little Kitten is about returning to a fairy tale, where the whole plot revolves around one small, but super-important little person.

 Photo - ORNER

This photo album is a treasure trove of memories of what made a child smile and laugh for the first time. Very loud. About what caused the tears in those huge eyes and about the toy the child will not fall asleep without in any case. That's what this photo album is about. It is about life. About the first year and about every first moment.

 Photo - ORNER
 Photo - ORNER

Here's what else you'll find in the photo album: a family tree, a hair envelope, a first tooth map, and 12 cards — one for each month — to track baby's growth.

Also, you can find pages for recording information about what happened on the birthday of the little one (you will even need to write down the price of bread and the song that was TOP 1 in the Ukrainian song charts). Can you imagine how to view all that later? A complete pleasure.

Reviews on Baby Photo Album Little Kitten

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дякую, замовляла мамі фотоальбом на подарунок, сподіваюсь сподобається )

 Store Review: photo 2



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Все супер , навіть не осікував що відправите так швидко

 Store Review: photo 3



Review of ORNER store

Прекрасна комунікація, одразу зворотній звʼязок, своєчасне інформування на усіх етапах, швидка відправка, я задоволена та дуже вдячна

 Store Review: photo 4



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Замовила два настінник календаря календарі дуже гарні доставка на другий день все було супер

 Store Review: photo 5



Review of ORNER store

Вітаю!дуже стильний та сучасний календар!доставка швидка , все сподобалось.Так тримати!

 Store Review: photo 6



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Все супер, швидко відправили, чудова якість тарілок

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